Thursday, April 3, 2014


As much as I'd like to swear off girls, I can't. I mean look at them! They're so darn cute. Is it the coffee talking? I just broke up with Kim and am really eager to say to hell with all of the female human species. But then the next thing I know I'm on sending emails to everyone even remotely appealing. Kim and I weren't meant to be (when did I become a fatalist?) and that's fine. We really gave it a try. And probably when longer with it than necessary (Kim new early on I think she didn't want a relationship but I'm just so darned irresistible!) Last night after a few beers sitting in my driveway (don't worry I was safe to drive) I cried a deep bone emptying cry. It was the most despairing void that I can remember crying from in recent memory. I'm sure Jen's dumping me evoked a similar response. And I don't claim it's over (the emotional brain can be very stubborn in understanding that something is over)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

New beginnings old habits So yet another journal entry point Seems like I have a plce for this already somewheren. Yes, I remember a jounal I started on the Amiga!